Treasures from Heaven

Educating children's hearts and minds...True education isn't just about learning facts and figures, but developing character as well. History teaches courage; science teaches integrity; math teaches discipline; and composition teaches humility. Training minds and molding hearts are what parents do best, after all.

Monday, December 15, 2008

We survived!

So, last Monday Samuel decided to cut his own hair to become bald. After we discussed why mom is the only one to cut hair I helped him out by finishing the job! The other boys wanted in on the fun, so I've buzzed all my boys' hair just in time for Christmas and the cooler weather! ha ha

Orson's been curious, of course, and has kept me busy not only with playing in the pantry in my 50 lb. bag of flour, but also oatmeal on the floor (carpet, not tile), dumping all the games out as he quickly tries to play them the 2 yr. old way, and getting launched off the trampoline a couple of times just to climb back on for more!

Yes, I thank my Heavenly Father daily that he's still alive when he falls off of the trampoline, but this last week I was praying even more so that we didn't have to go to the emergency room! I have heard many variations as what happened, but the result is always the same. The ladder to get up on the trampoline was ON the trampoline (danger in itself), and when someone jumped somehow the ladder and Orson's eye connected! This cut right under his eye and took a couple of days to stop the bleeding! His eye is healing well and he has a beautiful black eye to show for his adventure! This doesn't stop him. The first day, with bandaid holding the gash together, he climbed right back onto the trampoline for round 2. What a trooper! Mom was a little nervous, but he's happier when able to be outdoors and active!

Looks like I'll have to be posting daily to remember everything, cuz I can't remember any more of last week!


Beka said...

holy cow are one tought mama!

Emilee said...

wow, my favorite babysitter! cant belive you have 6 kids! good for you! my family is out is QC, they will love that you found me! my mom has a blog but she is terrible at doing anything to it. hers is on mine "the call clan."
good to hear from ya!

J&C Hale family said...

Sounds like the kind of week when you look forward to the day sometime ahead in the future when you get to see what great things that determination and lack of fear allow him to accomplish. :-)

DTaylor said...

Orson looked great at Christmas! I am glad it healed!!!

A Glimpse into My Life

My photo
I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mother!!! Married to my sweetheart, Greg, and bring in six amazing children down to earth has been the most wonderful experience! Our kids keep us busy with their curiosity and excitement for life. We laugh, learn, cry, read, and pray together all the time. The memories we are making as they grow up are ones I wouldn't change for the world!