We've all heard of Curious George, right? Well, I'm wondering if I need to rename my son George. His curiosity is keeping me on my toes. Since this is one week's worth of excitement, I thought I'd blog it for future posterity! Here's what he's been up to this week:
- He loves to paint w/ permanent paint in his brother's room. The design was amazing! The clean up was a pain.....
- While walking to his bedroom to get a diaper he chose to leave a trail on the floor so I would know exactly where he was. More stains and the smell is never bearable!
- Mary's fish is now in Heaven. He's safer there, though. With an overwhelming amount of food being dumped in his bowl every other day and being stirred round and round with a FORK, I think I'd rather die & be flushed down the toilet also!
- One of Orson's past time favorites is painting himself with Desitin, the baby ointment that doesn't come off! I thought he was over that, but he lovingly reminded me that putting any ointment anywhere under 6 ft. is bound to be spread around.
- He loves to dress himself.....anyway he wants. I love to let him! I've been dressing babies long enough. The picture is an example of one of his styles. Did his Dad teach him this? hmmmm...