So, as Greg is the Scoutmaster in our area he volunteered to attend Geronimo. Boy, was he in for a lot of work which I'm sure paid off. He left for the week and I was faced with my own fears of being alone. Yes, even though I have six kids I depend so much on Greg that this was good for me. I found myself on my knees quite often pleading for strength to get through the next moment and I can testify that the Lord is always there! I felt His strength. As I reflect on the week I think of Peter. I, like Peter, was "walking on water" the first few days and everything went smoothly. When my doubts set in, however, and the following 3 days were shaky. Prayer, strength from good friends, and trying to exercise more faith is what carried me through. Yes, he'll be going on future week-long adventures, so I'm excited to see what it will bring.
Now, the funny part of all this (I can laugh now) is what surprise Orson brought to the week. As you can tell by his shirt he really means no harm. If you can't see it, it says "it seemed like a good idea at the time." He is full of curiosity. It's expensive to have a curious son around, though. Midweek, of Geronimo, he was going about tapping windows, wall, and finally the TV with a door handle that had been broken off the back sliding door. The wall and windows survived. The 50 inch HDTV did not! Boy, my heart sank knowing the price of this and how fun it was to surprise Greg with the purchase when we first moved in.
So, the rest of the story? Well, we kept it up for a week. I informed Greg over the phone when he called to say hello. I think he was missing us enough, for his response was, "I love my son more than the TV. Oh well." My fears subsided! I never thought I'd ever say this, but it has been the biggest blessing! A week after Greg was home we carried the TV down from off the entertainment center, turned it so the screen was against the wall, and asked the boys if they would like to help take it apart. Boy, oh boy! They were as excited as if we were going to Disneyland. For the next hour Greg and his 4 sons had screw drivers, the power drill, and wire cutters and had a blast taking this apart. They each kept a piece of it for a remembrance, which I think have all been thrown away by now. Yes, this was recorded as part of school!
A blessing, you say? Yes, and here's how. When there's no HDTV the stations are limited! What's on the basic stations? Nothing we want in our home, so it has been quite peaceful. Since we can't replace the TV for a while, we've brought a smaller tube one from upstairs to put on the entertainment center for the weekends when we want to turn a movie on for the family.
I could go on, but I think you get the point. Yes, this will be a remembrance!
Wow, I'm impressed how well you handled a potentially contentious situation. I love all the pictures of your family -- they look like great kids! Love, Jeni
Yikes, I hate those expensive parenting moments! You two are fabulous parents!
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