Treasures from Heaven

Educating children's hearts and minds...True education isn't just about learning facts and figures, but developing character as well. History teaches courage; science teaches integrity; math teaches discipline; and composition teaches humility. Training minds and molding hearts are what parents do best, after all.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

San Diego, CA Family Vacation 2010

Our family vacation this year was in San Diego, CA where we participated in a couple of Homeschool Field Trips. We were able to visit:

-Mormon Battalion Historic Sight (great tour for kids) where we learned about our ancestor, Alma Zamira Palmer.
-The San Diego Temple grounds! We loved it! (Great bonding experiences!)
-Sea World (This was perfect for our kids' ages!)
-San Diego Zoo (I just love going to the zoo with kids)
-The Beach (Cold as it was my kids LOVED playing in the sand and water)

Where's Samuel? Can you find the picture where Samuel is hiding? We didn't know until we looked at the pictures....

The trip was so worth it. I was so impressed at how well my kids traveled. We LOVED taking this trip with our kids!!!

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A Glimpse into My Life

My photo
I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mother!!! Married to my sweetheart, Greg, and bring in six amazing children down to earth has been the most wonderful experience! Our kids keep us busy with their curiosity and excitement for life. We laugh, learn, cry, read, and pray together all the time. The memories we are making as they grow up are ones I wouldn't change for the world!